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Watch Ella's TV interview!
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As an inclusive school, you may have noticed that we introduce the children to sign language as part of their every day learning. We all sign our greetings in class and community worship, and you may have spotted that sign language was included at all the nativity performances. In this video you can hear the children sing and watch them sign 'We Wish You a Merry Christmas!'


Exmouth has a large and thriving deaf community and we're enabling our children to be great communicators. Perhaps you could ask them to teach you a few signs too?

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Term Dates

Term dates

for 2024-25

Term dates

for 2025-26

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Supporting Mental Health at Withycombe Raleigh Primary.


Each year a number of children attend some training to become valued Mental Health Ambassadors (MHA) for our school. To further develop their volunteer MHA roles, they have been invited to attend a Mental Health Ambassador Celebration Event at Exmouth Community College, hosted by Head’s Up mental health service, together with the MHAs from ECC, on Monday 3rd February 2025.


Mrs L Jones, our dedicated Wellbeing TA, will attend with the MHAs who will be introduced to a range of activities linked to supporting mental health in schools and will be able to take ideas away of how to improve mental wellbeing at our school. This is also an exciting opportunity for the pupils to meet with other MHAs across the Exmouth school community.

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KS2 learning and 11+ preparation, free for Pupil Premium families


Atom Learning is an online Key Stage 2 learning and 11+ preparation platform. They're offering WRPSchool children in Years 3 - 6, who are eligible for Pupil Premium, free Atom Home accounts, and a free 5 day trial for everyone else.
Atom Home is usually £575.90 per year.


Atom Home helps children get familiar with the type of questions they may see on the 11+, and build exam technique and confidence. Children will be able to access KS2 and 11+ practice questions, learning resources, mock tests and practice papers through their Atom Home account. 


If your child is between 7 - 11 and has been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years (please check with the school office if you are not sure), please fill in the form by clicking here: <<free 11+ preparation and learning>>


For other families, there's a five-day free trial of Atom available here:

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The Withycombe 60 -

60 brilliant things to do while at our school.


Each year group has a list of interesting activities to work towards, with every class having their own 'postcard' to write down when they complete their activities.

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