Withycombe Raleigh
C of E Primary School
Headteacher Mrs E Jones

Emotional Health and Wellbeing
This page focusses on emotional wellbeing and is provided in addition to our Safeguarding page.
If you're worried about your own, or about someone else’s safety,
please contact the MASH Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub on 0345 155 1071 or email mashsecure@devon.gov.uk.
If you feel there is an emergency, please call 999.
If you have concerns about your child's mental health, please talk to your child's teacher. If your child's teacher thinks further support may help, our specialist TA Mrs Louise Jones supports specific children whose mental wellbeing is affecting their school experience and learning.
Mental Health Ambassador Celebration Event, February 2025
Coinciding with Children’s Mental Health Week, on Monday 3rd February 9 of our 11 Mental Health Ambassadors (MHAs) attended a celebration event at Exmouth Community College, organised in association with the Heads Up charity. The event was attended by several Exmouth primary schools and provided an opportunity for all the school MHA pupils to meet and mix.
The MHAs were tasked with making a presentation about their role in their own schools. Our Withycombe Raleigh Ambassadors delivered an amazing presentation on what they would like to do in our school to help support children's mental health.
The Ambassadors then had the opportunity to try out a range of wellbeing activities. They made sensory bottles, worry dolls, 'all about me' collages, 'my happy space' artwork, played feelings charades and slam dunk. This was a fantastic event and we thank Mrs L Jones and Mrs White for taking the children along, ECC for hosting, and organisers the Heads Up charity for inviting us. We now hope to be able to bring some of these ideas back to Withycombe Raleigh!


We regularly revisit our Pick & Mix for Mental Health initiative
and we have some posters around the school as reminders.
If your family would like to create your own Pick & Mix puzzle pieces,
you can download the template here:

Many parents find the rush of the morning before school hectic and sometimes stressful. Our children may feel this stress too, particularly when having a busy morning routine again after a school break.
Some children may feel anxious about attending school
and not want to leave their parents/carers.
For some children this is called separation anxiety.
So, how can we start the day in a calm way and reduce our child’s anxiety?
It starts with the night before! Review your child’s bedtime routine. Is it as calm as it could be?
Predictable activities help - tea, talking time, bath, story, bed.
Plan ahead. Prepare as much as possible the night before eg. get uniform ready, pack lunch done, breakfast laid out for the morning - anything to reduce the busyness of the morning.
Create a visual timetable or checklist. Children function best with a predictable routine. Create a checklist together with your child about what needs to happen next - get dressed, have breakfast, brush teeth, toilet, get bag ready, put shoes on, out the door.
Using pictures can help young children.
Reward reluctant or anxious children when they are fully ready to leave the house. Keep rewards simple, cheap and short – a 5-minute cartoon or read a short story to them.
Be positive yourself. Talk about all the good things that your child enjoys at school, no matter how small. Keep conversation light, short and upbeat. If your child sees that you are ok with their anxiety, they may feel more confident. Look happy and smiley yourself!
Manage anxious talk. Children may want to talk about school worries in the morning, but doing this may only increase their anxiety. Encourage them to talk about their worries the day before. Create a Talking/Worry Time for your child each day after school. Choose a time when they are not hungry or tired, perhaps after tea. Keep the time short - 15 minutes at most. Use paper and pens if your child likes writing or drawing. Tell them this is a time to chat about anything but also to talk about any worries for the next day.
Distract, Distract, Distract! On your journey to school, help distract your child’s worry thoughts. Play I-spy, use songs or rhymes, use your senses (tell me 5 things you see, hear, smell, touch), use exercise if you walk (do 5 hops, 4 jumps, 3 skips etc).
Use transition objects. Give something to your child to help them know you are thinking of them when they separate from you to go into school - something they can keep safely in their bag just to know it is there. A picture of you, a piece of soft material that you have both cuddled or a little note to say you love them. If your child has packed lunch you could put a different note in their box each day saying something lovely about them.
Create a quick and positive good-bye ritual together with your child. ‘One kiss, one hug, one fist bump’ do a ‘high-five’ etc.
Remind your child that you will see them very soon and if you have something to look forward to after school, remind them of that. Prolonging the good-bye will only serve to increase anxiety. Keep it short and sweet.
Stories can help – We recommend ‘The Invisible String’ by Patrice Karst. You can find this story read for free on YouTube. It looks at how a child is always connected with their parent/carer, even if they are not together.
Download the Family Lives 'How to build resilience and emotional health in children' PDF, as seen in the weekly newsletter, here.
To view in full screen, please click the '4 arrows' icon.
If you are deaf or hard of hearing, please view the PDF transcript of Anxiety Part 1 video/slide show.
PDF transcript of Anxiety Part 2 video/slide show.
PDF transcript of Anxiety Part 3 video/slide show.

Start the Day in a Calm Way
Watch our videos to learn more about anxiety and ways to manage it

Here are some useful resources to support your family.
Please use the arrows to navigate the slides at your own speed.

Here are some resources that your family may find useful.
'You're never too young to talk about mental health' PDF leaflet download.
Some downloads/resources and links you might find helpful

Devon Partnership Trust Five ways to wellbeing
5 ways to wellbeing poster (shown left)
Young Devon Wellbeing Toolkit
Tips, Tricks and Techniques for maintaining positive mental health during lockdown and beyond.
Wellbeing Action Plan - A simple plan to help keep yourself well and get you through difficult times.
Designed in connection with the Charlie Waller Trust for children in Key Stages 2 and 3.
NHS Every Child Matters: Looking after a child or young person's mental health
Top ten tips for helping children to cope with change.
Click on the heading for some resources about the importance of self help.
Are you in need of help and support?
If you are in any doubt where to turn, please speak with us so we can help you to find the right support for your issues.
Local Organisations:
Logo: | Organisation: | What do they offer: | Web link: | Tel No: |
Citizens Advice East Devon | A charity, part of the national Citizens Advice network, providing free, confidential & impartial advice. | https://citizensadviceeastdevon.org | 01395 265070 | |
Exmouth Food Bank | To help individuals and families in crisis by providing free emergency food help. | https://exmouthfoodbank.org.uk | ||
Pete's Dragons | Help people living through the suicide of a loved one. Headquarters in Exmouth. | https://www.petesdragons.org.uk | 01395 277780 | |
Balloons Charity | Supports bereaved children & young people (aged 5-25) when someone significant in their lives dies. Work alongside families in Devon. | https://www.balloonscharity.co.uk | 01392 982570 | |
Edp - Exeter Drug & Alcohol Services | Supports individuals in Devon with substance misuse, mental ill health, and other harmful, addictive and offending behaviours. | https://www.edp.org.uk | 0800 233 5444 | |
Heads Up | A free service that works with children & young people, to promote understanding & awareness around mental health. | https://headsupmha.com | Tel 07976169053 | |
Esteem Team | Supports children, young people and families with bespoke support packages to meet individual needs. Email:esteemteamcic@gmail.com | https://www.esteemteam.co.uk | ||
Open Door | A Christian charity offering ‘Haven’ support groups for Children & Young People, and Parent support eg. on SEND, child behaviour, counselling, benefits. Church Street, Exmouth, EX8 1PE | https://www.opendoorexmouth.org.uk | 01395 224218 | |
Health Visitor &
School Nursing | Deliver universal child & family health services, offer additional services for vulnerable children & families, & work to safeguard children. Email: easternphnhub@devon.gov.uk | https://www.devon.gov.uk/educationandfamilies/health/public-health-nursing | 0333 234 1903 | |
Action for Children | Devon Family Hubs.
What does it offer: A new way of bringing together all the support a family may need. Follow facebook.com East Devon Family Hub. devonfamilyhubs@actionforchildren.org.uk | https://service.actionforchildren.org.uk/devon-family-hubs/ | 01395 226789 | |
Talk Works | A free Devon NHS talking therapy service for adults. Can self-refer. | https://www.talkworks.dpt.nhs.uk | 0300 555 3344 | |
Young Devon | Offers support on wellbeing, skills, & accommodation needs Promotes the young person’s voice (ages 11-25). | https://www.youngdevon.org | 08082 810155 |
National Organisations:
Logo: | Organisation: | What do they offer? | Web link: | Phone No: |
Childline | To help anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through. Free and confidential. Trained counsellors. | https://www.childline.org.uk | 0800 1111 | |
Kooth | Offers free, online, anonymous, emotional & mental health support & advice for children & young people aged 11- 24. | https://www.kooth.com/ | ||
| YoungMinds are a mental health charity for children, young people (up to 25) and their parents. | https://www.youngminds.org.uk/ | Text YM to 85258 for free, 24/7 support. | |
CFHD Child and Family Health Devon | Assessment & treatment of young people (up to 18) with emotional, behavioural or mental health difficulties. | https://childrenandfamilyhealthdevon.nhs.uk/ | 0330 0245 321 | |
NHS Every mind matters | Advice and tips on how to look after your mental health and wellbeing. | https://www.nhs.uk/every-mind-matters/ | ||
PAPYRUS | A UK charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide and the promotion of positive mental health & emotional wellbeing in young people. For under 35s. Email: pat@papyrus-uk.org | https://www.papyrus-uk.org/ | 0800 068 41 41
Text 88247 | |
Stem4 | Supports positive mental health in teenagers. Mental health information, apps and education. | https://stem4.org.uk/ | ||
Shout | A free 24/7 text service for anyone in crisis. | https://giveusashout.org/ | Text 85258 | |
Samaritans | Providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress or crisis. Email: jo@samaritans.org | https://www.samaritans.org/ | Phone: 116 123 | |
Saneline | A UK charity providing emotional support and information to anyone affected by mental illness. Age 16+ | https://www.sane.org.uk
| 0300 304 7000 | |
HappyMaps | Mental health resources for parents, carers, & young people. | https://www.happymaps.co.uk | ||
Family Lives | Provides targeted early intervention and crisis support to families. Email: askus@familylives.org.uk | https://www.familylives.org.uk | 0808 800 2222 | |
Fear Free | Support service, providing support to people who have experienced separation, divorce or domestic abuse. Email: admin.devon@fearfree.org.uk | https://www.fearfree.org.uk/ | Tel: 0345 155 1074 (landline call rate) | |
Refuge | Domestic abuse organisation | https://www.refuge.org.uk | 0808 2000 247 | |
Winstons Wish | Supports grieving children & young people after the death of someone important. Email: ask@winstonswish.org | https://www.winstonswish.org | 08088 020 021 | |
The Good Grief Trust | Run by bereaved people for bereaved people. Email: hello@thegoodgrieftrust.org | https://www.thegoodgrieftrust.org | ||
Child Bereavement UK | Supports bereaved children & young people | https://www.childbereavementuk.org | 0800 02 888 40 | |
Cruse | Bereavement support. | https://www.cruse.org.uk | 0808 808 1677 | |
Frank | Confidential information for anyone concerned about their own or someone else's drug misuse. | https://www.talktofrank.com/ | 0300 123 6600
Text 82111 | |
Al-anon | For anyone whose life is or has been affected by someone else's drinking. | https://www.al-anonuk.org.uk | Helpline 0800 0086 811 |