Withycombe Raleigh C of E Primary School
Headteacher Mrs E Jones
Withycombe Village Road, Exmouth, Devon, EX8 3BA. Tel: (01395 263397)
Statement of Intent
Withycombe Raleigh C of E Primary School, Exmouth is a Church School established in 1865 to provide a Christian basis for the education of children. The school’s aim is to continue this tradition by introducing the children to the teachings of Jesus within a community that puts the Christian principles of love and care into practice.
The school also aims to provide high standards of teaching and learning by promoting an agreed range of practice to ensure consistency and progression for all its pupils.
The aims are achieved through:
Developing open and secure relationships which promote good communications and a shared understanding
Engaging and challenging the whole child by developing a range of skills and abilities through a curriculum that offers a wide variety of experience
Insisting on high standards of behaviour and polite conduct respecting the needs of others.
Promoting and motivating individuals to take responsibility for their actions and to be aware that they are stewards of their environment
Providing a well-resourced and orderly learning environment where high standards of work and presentation are seen as models of excellence
Developing a committed school community which uses its full potential to work as a team for the common good in a supportive and positive manner
The following School documents support the Statement of Intent:
Home School Partnership Agreement
The Behaviour Management Policy, Code of Conduct and Restraining Policy
The School’s Home Learning Policy
The National Curriculum Framework and School Programmes of Study
Every Child Matters in RE Agreed Syllabus 2008
The School’s Policy for Teaching & Learning
The School Timetable for Extra Curricular Activity
The School’s Special Educational Needs Policy
The School’s Policy and Programme for Personal, Social, Health Education and Citizenship
The School’s Policies for Acts of Worship, Health and Sex Education, Equal Opportunity, Prevention of Bullying, Child Protection Policy, Racism and Substance Use and Misuse
The School’s Policy for Health and Safety
The School’s Assessment and Marking Policies
The following practices support the Statement of Intent:
Newsletters and communication through school website and home learning
Open Evenings, Parent Consultations and Pre-School Home Visits
Target setting for both groups of children and individuals
Award Systems linked to targets and positive reinforcements
Annual Written reports
School Ethos Council
Multi-agency Networking