Withycombe Raleigh
C of E Primary School
Headteacher Mrs E Jones

Chair of Governors:

Alison Longhorn
I am a co-opted Governor and have a daughter in Year 3 and a 2 year old son who I hope will also be able to attend Withycombe Raleigh when he starts school. I am the Area Coroner for Exeter and East Devon and was previously a Criminal Barrister for 14 years, a career which I hope has developed some useful skills to enable me to be a productive member of the Board.
I consider a child's school experience as one of the most important aspects of their childhood, and have joined the Board of Governors as it presents an invaluable opportunity to be involved in the decisions which will help shape the school's vision and the experience of each child. As a parent of a pupil of the school I am passionate about ensuring Withycombe provides the best education in an enjoyable and inclusive way and that each pupil has fond memories of their time in the school in years to come.
Clerk to the Governors
Janine Meecham
Contact: clerk@wrpschool.org
Board of Governors

Antonia Burrows
I am a Parent Governor, originally from Mallorca. I came to this country 20 years ago and I have two girls that both attend our fantastic school, one in Year 5 and one in Year 2. I am passionate about Modern Foreign Languages and I currently teach Spanish in school. I became a Governor because I am passionate about the children’s education, welfare and opportunities.
I believe Withycombe Raleigh Primary School offers a varied and exciting curriculum for the children that will enrich their path in the future. I feel very privileged to be sitting on the Board and helping to make decisions in the best interest of our children and the school’s future.

James Dryden
My family moved to Exmouth in 2022 and were fortunate to join the Withycombe Primary family! I have two daughters currently in years four and two, they both love learning and I’m really pleased to support the school by being a governor.
At work I’m the Head of Information at South Western Ambulance Service NHS Trust, leading a team of 20 people who are responsible for using data and analytics to understand and improve performance. I’m familiar with building and coaching teams, developing strategies, project delivery, performance management, building partnerships and managing budgets in public service and regulated organisations.
I love running and have done the London Marathon twice, I’m also a member of the Tri Hards Community Fitness Project. My wife (Sarah) and I have a Labrador (Alfie) and we all love any excuse to be on the beach!

Anna Sands
I am a Parent Governor. I have two sons at Withycombe. Professionally I work in communications at an international organisation of people with disabilities. I am an advocate for full inclusion. It is important to me that our school provides opportunities for every child to develop their full potential. I also believe in the great value of good physical and emotional wellbeing. I want to support the school in valuing the happiness of the children alongside academic achievement. I am delighted to have this opportunity to support our school.

Fr Robert Sellers
I have been a governor of various schools since ordination in the Church of England 20 years ago. The schools have been in Gloucester, Cornwall, North Yorkshire and now here in Withycombe Raleigh, all of which have been either primary or junior schools. I became a school governor first of all because, in the early years my three daughters were at school and in any case, to serve the wider community in which my parish was set. It has been a real joy to work with other governors, staff, parents and especially the pupils in all of these schools, but it is always particularly so when the school has a genuine Christian ethos as is the case at Withycombe Raleigh. I sit on the Teaching and Learning Committee where I trust we act as “critical friends” to ensure that we continue to provide the very best education for every pupil in the school regardless of their background or abilities. As the Team Rector of Withycombe Raleigh with Exmouth it is not just an obligation to serve as a foundation governor, but also a privilege.

Anna Slade
I am a co-opted Governor and I have a daughter who attends the school. This is my first time being a governor and I am really excited to be part of the team. I attended Withycombe School along with my three brothers and have always felt connected to the school. I am really passionate about supporting families with a particular interest in how Trauma impacts family life. I am the Project Coordinator and Designated Safeguarding Lead for a family support project called Devon Family Resource at the Exeter Community Initiatives Charity. The project offers family support and therapeutic support to families across the whole of Devon who are held under Early Help or who have been a victim of crime. I have a degree in Childhood and Youth Studies and have always worked in this line of work.
In my spare time I love to spend time with my family, go on walks, go to festivals, go camping and play computer games.

Philip Wilson
I’m a parent governor; my daughter is in Year 2 and really enjoying being part of the school and taking part in lots of the brilliant clubs and activities.
I’m also a secondary deputy headteacher, so obviously my interest in and passion for education runs deep.
I oversee the curriculum in my secondary school, which I hope makes me a useful member of the teaching and learning committee and the governing body more broadly.