It’s been another lovely, busy week in school with lots of exciting learning going on inside the classroom and also in our fantastic outdoor environment. Members of the Senior Leadership Team are fortunate to be able to regularly visit classrooms and to witness first-hand the children learning. Children at Withycombe are keen and enthusiastic learners and it is always a pleasure to be a part of their lessons. Visitors often comment on the very positive learning behaviours of the children in the classrooms.
We hope that you will be able to meet with your child’s class teacher during the week beginning 10th February and that you will be able to get a flavour of what your child has been doing this term. These meetings are a really important part of the school year and a chance for parents to find out about the progress children are making and the areas of the curriculum in which they need to develop or focus on. We prefer that children do not attend the parents’ evening, if possible, to enable staff to have an open and honest conversation with parents. Please feel free to spend some time outside the classroom looking at your child’s exercise books and taking some time to celebrate what they have achieved.
Social Media
We understand that social media is a part of most people’s lives and that Facebook etc is a great way to share what children and families are doing with family and friends, near and far. As a school we currently allow parents and carers to take photographs during school events like nativity plays or sports day as we know how important it is to have these memories for the future. A reminder though that when sharing images associated with WRPS, please only upload photographs to social media of your own child. If you wish to share photographs of groups of children from WRPS, please ensure you have permission from the parents of all the children seen in the photograph. We have several children in our school whose parents/carers do not wish their image to be shared online in any circumstance.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs. E Jones